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Computer Science 2212B – Introduction to Software Engineering. This course covers the stages of software development including requirements gathering, specification, design, implementation, and testing. A team project will be completed to reinforce concepts learned in class. Unified Modeling Language (UML), the standard tool for planning software, will be taught. Java is the central programming language of the course and project. Web-enabled full stack development frameworks such as Groovy/Grails will be taught to make use of modern software development tools and standards.

Group project - The group project requires students to work cooperatively on a large piece of software. The project reinforces course concepts and gives students experience working as a team to meet stage deadlines, reach milestones and track progress as new features are implemented.

Software Description - We're working on a web application to help people discover restaurants in their local area. We've found that it's hard to find new restaurants to try. Even if there are a couple on your list, it's hard to coordinate with friends to head over together as your schedules may not always allow it. That's why we're introducing three main features: a world map to help you discover international food options located nearby, a trending restaurants page that shows restaurants that people are talking about right now, and a planner/voting system to get friends together.